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놀란 감독, 프린스턴 졸업연설.."꿈보다 현실 좇아가길" 본문

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놀란 감독, 프린스턴 졸업연설.."꿈보다 현실 좇아가길"

StarCatcher 2015. 6. 6. 22:18


[Oh!llywood]놀란 감독, 프린스턴 졸업연설.."꿈보다 현실 좇아가길"

OSEN= 김경주 기자 2015.06.06 10:47

[OSEN=김경주 기자] 영화 '인셉션', '다크나이트' 시리즈로 유명한 크리스토퍼 놀란 감독이 2015년 프린스턴 대학 졸업 연설자로 나섰다고 미국 연예매체 할리우드리포터가 지난 5일(현지시각) 보도했다.

보도에 따르면 놀란 감독은 프린스턴 대학 졸업식에 연설자로 나서 "꿈보다는 현실을 쫓아가길 바란다"는 취지의 연설을 한 것으로 전해졌다.

그는 "대학 졸업식 연설에선 일반적으로 사람들이 '꿈을 좇아가길 바란다'는 말을 주로 한다. 하지만 나는 여러분에게 그런 말을 하고 싶지 않다. 내가 그 말을 믿지 않기 때문"이라며 "나는 여러분이 현실을 좇아가길 바란다"라고 밝혔다. 

이어 "우리는 언젠가부터 현실을 꿈의 '가난한 사촌' 정도로 여기고 있다. 내가 만든 영화들을 본 사람들이 내게 주로 물어본 건 '이게 꿈이냐 현실이냐' 라는 것이었다. 그만큼 현실이란 사람들에게 중요한 일이다"라고 말했다. 

또 "비행기에 앉아 영화가 나오는 모니터만 보고 있는 건 현실을 모욕하고 있는 것이다. 이 멋진 세계를 가로지르는 비행기를 탄 여러분은 지금 현대의 경이로움을 즐기고 있는 것이다. 근본적인 것들을 바라보기를 바란다"라고 전했다. 


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첨에 기사 제목을 보고 깜짝놀랐다.
아니, 놀란 감독이 이런 얘기를 하다니 다소 충격적이야! 
하면서 기사를 읽어보니
현실을 좇으라는 말은 곧 본질을 잃지 말라는 얘기였다.
상당히 인상깊었다.
꿈과 현실의 괴리에 허우적거릴 게 아니라 현실을 직시하라는 말이 
현실을 곧잘 회피하곤 하는 나에게 크게 와닿았다.
그래서 연설 원문을 찾아보았다.

"In the great tradition of these speeches, generally someone says something along the lines of 'Chase your dreams,' but I don't want to tell you that because I don't believe that," he told the students at Class Day. "I want you to chase your reality."

"I feel that over time, we started to view reality as the poor cousin to our dreams, in a sense. ... I want to make the case to you that our dreams, our virtual realities, these abstractions that we enjoy and surround ourselves with — they are subsets of reality," he later reflected, apologizing to anyone who hadn't seen Inception. "The way the end of that film workedLeonardo DiCaprio's character Cobb — he was off with his kids, he was in his own subjective reality. He didn't really care anymore, and that makes a statement: perhaps, all levels of reality are valid. The camera moves over the spinning top just before it appears to be wobbling, it was cut to black."

"I skip out of the back of the theater before people catch me, and there's a very, very strong reaction from the audience: usually a bit of a groan," he joked. "The point is, objectively, it matters to the audience in absolute terms: even though when I'm watching, it's fiction, a sort of virtual reality. But the question of whether that's a  dream or whether it's real is the question I've been asked most about any of the films I've made. It matters to people because that's the point about reality. Reality matters."

"We felt very much as if we had accumulated this whole wheel of Brie of knowledge!

Of course, what I realize is, it's actually Swiss cheese — those gaps in there are the point. They're the important part, because you're going to get out there and fill those gaps you didn't even know you had, and you're going to fill them with experience. Some of it marvelous, some of it terrible. And you're going to learn that way.

What you have achieved here will see you through that. You haven't just learned a body of knowledge; you've learned how to learn, you've learned the value of learning," he continued. "Most importantly, some of those gaps will be filled with the most precious thing of all: new thought, new ideas, things that are going to change the world."

Nolan admitted that as a believer in Inception, "the idea that you can plant the seed of an idea that will grow into something more substantial over time — I do feel some responsibility to try and say something to you that will carry forward and might help you in some way." He thought back to the world into which he graduated: "Racism, income inequality, warfare — I could go on but you know this list, and the reason you know it is because it's exactly the same today. What have we been doing for the last twenty years? If I'm gonna give you any advice, I have to take a hard look at my generation and what we've done."

"The truth is, I think we failed to address a lot of the fundamentals — possibly for a good reason. I think we went out into the world believing that if we could connect the world, if we could allow the free exchange of ideas across geographical boundaries, economic boundaries, if we could all talk, these problems would go away. Unfortunately, I think by now, we have to acknowledge that we were wrong, that's not the case. Communication is not everything. So much of the resources — intellectual, financial — of my generation have gone into communications infrastructure and achieved wonderful things, but perhaps not as wonderful as we claim them to be."

It's an insult to reality," said Nolan of being stuck to screens, rather than looking out the window of the cross-country airplane he took to get there, for example. "I have to acknowledge the irony that I am someone who made a film, half of which is set in the cabin of an airplane where people are dealing with realities within realities, so I've certainly had my part to play in this, perhaps. But when you're flying in an airplane across this incredible country, you're enjoying one of the great modern marvels, you're getting a perspective on America, on our landscape and where we are that no one's ever had before."

"Look at fundamentals — how can we change things, move the ball on this and progress? I don't have to tell you how to do it. I just have to tell you it's your problem now," he challenged them. "It's very important that people are really affected by what you do. I think you have limitless potential."

Nolan closed by clarifying the longstanding debate of Batman's standing at Princeton, thanks to a scene from Batman begins. "The most important thing about Bruce Wayne — yes, he attended Princeton, but he didn't graduate," he said to roaring applause. "So as of tomorrow, you are all already better than Batman!"

번역은 차차..
